but I really love Handmade Market.
What a day.
Mama Goose and I had the.most.amazing.day at Handmade Market yesterday. It was one of those glorious Autumn days where Summer returns for an encore performance, we got the marquee up without assistance, our fellow stallholders excelled themselves in the talent and creativity departments, the wonderful customers just kept coming and we got the chance to do some shopping ourselves. Perfect! What more could we ask for?
Only the chance to do it all again ...
Yes! We'll be back at the next Handmade Market on Saturday the 5th of June at the same wonderful venue at the Kamberra Winery to do just that.
Here are some photos from our day:

Hmm, too late - it's getting crowded in there ...

You know it is going to be a great market day when there
are so many customers that there isn't enough room for
both stallholders to be in the marquee
Yes it's true, we spent a large part of the day with only one of us inside the marquee, the other was assisting from outside. We even had a friend helping at one point - thank you Heather! It was such a fun day. I managed to snap a couple more photos, but we were just too busy after that.
You can tell this is at the start of the day because
I still have lots of bracelets - they sold like hot cakes
I did add some gorgeous paper mache easter egg decorations
to the tree, but didn't get the chance to take another photo. I thought of it when dismantling it at the end of the day, but I'd already packed the camera. Oh, and Mama Goose's last Ladybird Parade pinny you can see in this photo has sold
- a lucky customer beat me to it!
Thanks Anne for your lovely comment on my giveaway. You are set up to no reply on blogger so I am here. :) Stall looks great! Glad to read it is going so well. Glad to hear M's jumper is getting some love. She hasn't worn a jumper up here in 2 months!